Quick tip! Ask > Thank > Report > Repeat
Jan 22, 2024
Mostly, we get the Asking on lock.
We get around to the Thank at some point (great thanks can really set your nonprofit apart and BOOSTS your fundraising results).
And we Report - sometimes we just lump it in with a newsletter or annual report and call it good - but offering a tailored report back on gifts helps connect donors more deeply to the causes they love and values they express.
Add another step and watch your midlevel fundraising and above grow - that's making Discovery Calls. They can be as simple as calling to thank a donor and then asking a follow-up question or two, such as:
- Why did you decide to support us?
- When you give donations, what do you want to accomplish?
- What part of our work resonates with you most?
Before we get donors on a carousel of Asking, Thanking and Reporting - let's add some relationship building into the mix!